Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Painting of life

I have realized something so profound... well for me in any case !!

The world we live is like the most beautiful painting you've ever seen. One rich in color and detail. The painting has lots of color in it from white to black, all the colors and every shade there is. All the colors and shade are necessary.

In the world there are different types of people making up a beautiful "painting of life". Every human is a color or a shade in this painting and so necessary. The spineless, characterless, boring represent white and the judgmental, arrogant, opinionated and radical represent black. And in between are red for the passionate, green for the naturalists,  blue for the cruel, yellow for the friendly, purple for the fairies and pink for the sweeties. But in between there are a million different shades of these colors. And it's good. All the colors are needed and necessary to make this "painting" beautiful. A painting without the dark and black would be flat without any contrast and without any white be dreary and gloomy. And every shade in between just makes the painting perfect as a whole, full of life and detail !!!

So now when I talk or meet with people and I dont like what they say or do, I just think to myself this a necessary shade of grey, orange, turquoise, peach or cream that makes the painting of life beautiful. This person is not my color and that's OK, cause if the entire painting was  shades of burgundy what a dull painting it would be.