Sunday, August 31, 2014

8 weeks

I must say I am so happy to not have heavy morning sickness. Except for feeling queasy now and then I'm feeling great. The tiredness still a issue at times ... one I cant do anything about so I just push through it.

I am so happy to be a 8 weeks. So happy to know my little baby is growing inside me. I feel so healthy and relaxed. This pregnancy surly is off to a great start !!!

We went for a ultra sound this week. Lexi was fascinated about what Heidi was doing and barely looked at the screen, cause all she was interested in was the devise Heidi was gliding over my tummy. She was nervous it would hurt and wanted to know why my tummy was wet (gel they use). Ruby was so snotty with flu and barley interested. Lily was so disappointed that she  couldn't see anything looking like a baby. We weren't able to see much unfortunately. BUT what we did see was a teeny tiny little flickering which was the heart beating. Oh man, soooooooo precious !!!!!!! Heidi said baby had a good strong implantation and luckily at the top of my uterus  far away from my cervix (the exit). Baby measured to just over 7mm, oh my gosh how sweet.

Even though you cant see much on these images I look at them and remember seeing that little heart beating. It really touched me so much. After my recent miscarriage I think I didn't really connect yet with my pregnancy and it hasn't felt real. I think I've been trying to protect myself from getting hurt again, by not getting attached. OMW but when I saw that little heart beat all protective barriers melted and I fell in love ... hopelessly !!!! Since that moment I've been very emotional and I feel so in touch with my little baby. It was love a first sight and no turning back or taking it slow my heart belongs to that little 7 mm baby.

At 8 weeks our baby is now a fetus, meaning "little one". Baby has a strong heart beat, and can you believe it baby's taste buds are developing this week.

How many weeks pregnant ? 8
Date ? 25 Aug
How many day till due date ? 224 days
How big is baby ? 7 mm, that a tiny little human :)
Showing yet ? Nope
Milestones baby reached during this week ? Baby's heart started beating
Pregnancy sighs ? only tiredness at times
Any cravings ? Coriander, Brinjals. In general I'm a lot more hungry and nibbling all day. 
Any aversions ? Sugary things
Best moment this week ? Seeing our little baba for the first time
Emotions this week ? Happy and content and anxious and emotional ... 
Clothes ? same, size 14
Baby movements ? no
What do I weigh ? 79.5 kg
Things I would love to buy for baby ? Need to look for a proper digital bottle warmer.
Kids this week ? Everybody had flu, ugh not fun !!! Lucky not me yay !!!!
Boy name ? Daddy did not like Cody. Other favorites Noel and Joel and Liam
Girl name ? Emma Rose
Sleep ? Struggle to fall a sleep, but once in dream land it's a smooth trip to morning. So awesome that all my girls sleep thru, didn't think that was ever gonna happen.
Dreams ? Dreamt I ran into a long lost friend and we had such a awesome visit
How I'm feeling in general ? So overwhelmed when I remember I'm preggies, Can't believe it true
Special foods and supplements ? Magnesium oil, Nerobion Vit B's, Sportron multi vits, Stinning nettle tea. Convinced the Mag oil combined with B vits are keeping nausea away. OMW so awesome to not feel sick all the time. Never experienced that during this stage of pregnancy, as I was always super nauseous at this stage. 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

7 weeks

Its been a good week. I just get so tired at time and just cant rest with girls. So that's a bit tough at times.

With all my pregnancies it so amazes me that a tiny little human, smaller than a Smartie can suck the life out a adult like myself.  How on earth can I get so tired to grow something so small, he-he !!! But yeah, it's actually the hormone relaxin that's the culprit behind it all. 

During pregnancy, the busy placenta produces a hormone called relaxin that helps your whole body physically become a bit looser. You need to seriously increase your flexibility down in your fetus's living quarters because, during pregnancy, your uterus grows from about the size of a tennis ball to the size of a beach ball. Relaxin relaxes the intrauterine ligaments, allowing the uterus and pelvis to expand. Relaxin also relaxes other parts of your body, like your arteries, which have to accommodate a much higher blood volume without sending your blood pressure through the roof. Your musculoskeletal system also loosens up, giving you more flexible joints and more curvature in the back to prepare for carrying and delivering a baby.

I do think it's an awesome hormone with a very important function I just wish it didn't make me feel like Dopy :)   

We had great fun doing this photo in freezing weather and August winds. Idea was for all 3 girls to throw Smarties up in the air, but Lily was the only one that did it on "three" :)

How many weeks pregnant ? 7
Date ? 18 Aug
How many day till due date ? 231 days
How big is baby ? size of a Smartie
Showing yet ? Nope
Milestones baby reached during this week ? Baby's hear started beating
Pregnancy sighs ? Flashes of slight nausea, tiredness and had some headaches :(
Any cravings ? Coriander, eating it on everything specially salads
Any aversions ? Sugary things
Best moment this week ? Took a long bath with all 3 girls tonight and they all spoke to baba through my tummy
Emotions this week ? Good and calm
Clothes ? same, size 14
Baby movements ? no
What do I weigh ? 79.5 kg
What's dad doing this week ? He surprised me with a beautiful Mexican Bola Ball
Things I would love to buy for baby ? a pram
Kids this week ? Ruby still very moody, other 2 fine. Ruby says hallo to through my tummy very often, so sweet
Boy name ? I so like Cody, but doubt daddy will, haven't even mentioned it
Girl name ? Emma Rose
Sleep ? Very good
Dreams ?  I dreamt I started bleeding, ugh was so upset when I woke. But so relieved it was just a nightmare
How I'm feeling in general ? Good
Special foods and supplements ? Magnesium oil, Nerobian Vit B's, Sportron multi vits, Stinning nettle tea

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

4 Weeks

It's been a while for me to write on my blog. Life was just very busy and I was just dealing with lots of stuff. But I have a super good reason to start bogging again ...

I'm preggies again ... whoo whoo !!!! So excited and happy

I have only told my close friends yet. Will announce it after my 12 week scan when I know if baby is a boy or girl ...

I plan to do a collage of weekly photos of me and baby growing (showing my bump). This is the first photo taken the day we found out.

I will also answer the following questions weekly just for fun

How many weeks pregnant ? 4
Date ? 27 July
How many day till due date ? 252 days
How big is baby ? size of a poppy seed 
Showing yet ? Nope
Milestones baby reached during this week ? Attached and staying !
Pregnancy sighs ? Flashes of slight nausea
Any cravings ? No
Any aversions ? No
Best moment this week ? Getting a positive test and my girls sharing it with me
Emotions this week ? Very high, very excited 
Clothes ? same, size 14
Baby movements ? no
What do I weigh ?79kg
What's dad doing this week ? same old same old
Things I would love to buy for baby ? Sophie teether
Kids this week ? Ruby very moody, other 2 fine
Sleep ? Good
Dreams ?  I dreamt had twins
How I'm feeling in general ? Nervous and happy and sooooo relieved
Special foods and supplements ? Magnesium oil